Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what is wrong with being single??

What is wrong with being single??i dont think being single is it any problem if i'm single???Absolutely nothing!I enjoy being single..As a single, I can do or meet whatever i want.I'm almost 21 and have never had a doesn't mean i'm a LESBIAN ok!God above creat us to loving each other,man for woman and vice versa..i knw that!As human being,we get lonely when we don't have a partner to share things with,but i never felt like tht..bcz u knw wht,if you're happy being alone, then stay alone and don't worry about it.You don't have to answer to or think about anyone while making your decisions, you can do what you want, live where you want, and do everything by your daily routine.These things are all great!!I am free,totally free..I can freely love my father and mother,sisters and brother,my girl friends and boy friends and free to be responsible for my own happiness..there is no one to regulate me!I dnt know why people keep on asking me about this stupid question!-> nieda,do u have a boyfriend?i say no..well,why don't you see someone?you should get a boyfriend and blah blah i care???that is not the important thing for me..a lot of my friends now were happy with their what?!do u think i jealous with them??lol..not at all!! i happy too see them with their own happiness..I just can not see the point in wasting energy on finding Mr.right when there is so much more to much more going on in this world!so,start loving yourself before you can love someone else:)

1 comment:

eizaz said...

owh aku rase xde salah pn.
tp ha..
yg slh last tu.
learn to love urself,and ur Creator.
then put the unsingle-maker wherever u want in ur heart
thus,there's thousands of things u can do if u r single,rather than being with someone, ni xleh..2 xleh..