Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i miss u so much!!!

I love you damn much!!This is the only word that i can describe to show how much i love you guys..I believe everyone hate the feeling of missing someone or something that we love,or anything that very close to our heart and life..this is what i felt now.I still remember about our memory in secondary school at smks 18 till now..a lot of thing that we did together..we were sitting around together,gosip2x,fly bli ice blended,pisang goreng azmi(the best ever damn pisang goreng that I ever encounter..people out there,you should try this,hahaha)..wahhhh,rindunewyrrr!!and the sweetest memory that i never forgot is our beloved hostel which has a lot of memories at there!!wif our strict warden or we known as "mama"..always make me laugh,i dnt say that she ws funny or full wif sense of humours..althought she's really strict warden,but i admitted tht she has a kind of heart and very loving person..bravo pn.akma zuraidah..ngeee(~.^),and to ustazah khatijah as well,caring and understanding warden..i love both of u..for my dearest buddies,miss A,miss W,miss A and miss I,u're the friends that i love most!!keep in ur mind ok..i won't ever forgot for all those our memories at SMKS 18=) ..insyaallah till die=)