Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The sentences of love..weird huh??!!

I tried to completed my pile of assignment today.I thought i can make myself more relax without doing anything in my mid semester break..well at least I contributed something other than sleeping and watching tv.I regularly sit in front of my laptop for seven or more hours a day..haha,can u imagine that???Ok,today i wanna to talk about my favourite novel(Ayat-Ayat Cinta)..I believe that everyone knows about this novel..The wildly popular novel by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy and now film,Ayat-Ayat Cinta(Love Verses),tells the story of young handsome men,Fahri bin Abdullah Shiddiq an Indonesian student attending Al-Azhar University in Cairo,Egypt,who attracts four beautiful young women~Nurul,Noura,Maria and Aishah..ok,straight to the point..i really2 want to know,why and why many people critics about this novel??i got a information from my good buddy,idham(sorry coz i mention ur name),he told me that this novel was not probably good actually..i don't know why,but for me,this is the best novel that i ever read before..then he asked me to found out one book tittle"mayat-mayat cinta"...very scare tittle huh??!!!how come??are u kidding me dude???!!at first i didn't believe him until i search about that at the internet..seriously!!! i never heard about this book and until now i didn't found this book(mayat-mayat cinta)..anybody have this book???can i borrow plz??i really2 want to read this book bcoz i want to know the good reason why people critics "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" book..


In the end of this story,Fahri plumps for the rich girl Aisha and they no doubt live happily ever after...hahaha!!i like it..In my opinion,it will be even more fantastic if the male character married all 4 as per Islamic teaching.By ditching the other 3 and married only 1,he is not a good Muslim.Having more than one wife doesn’t make a person a better muslim than other muslim with only one wife, man..the surah doesn’t say anything about marrying more than one wife and becoming a better muslim as a result….

I proper to read the novels compared to film.I already watch the movie...a bit disappointed actually.Thought it is not as good as the novel.I didn’t like certain aspects of it.Too bad, the soundtrack of this movie taken from another movie’s..The story happened on egypt but to much indonesian language used there.Why not arabic??I didn’t get the sense of egypt and the story itself is just an average story everything could be easily guessed from the beginning.I have to honestly say, I’m not a big fan of Indonesian Movies and I think most of them are crap.Those showcasing too much of a joke, those showcasing too much of a drama,those showcasing too much of a disturbing image will not make a mark on my mind.I’m okay if my friends ask me out to watch those movies with them, but if I have the chance to spend money on a better film,why should I bother watching stupid movies, right?
But i know,the film brings us a good message and a great deal of Islamic culture.Unlike those romance, teenage drama and horror movies, Ayat Ayat Cinta is a way more educating Indonesian Film..

Habiburrahman El-Shirazy

“I suspect this Habiburrahman isn’t a real Submitter. As a good Muslim he should have let the protagonist of his story marry all 4 of them.”

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an clearly states that:

“Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one.” Al-Qur?an (4:3)

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